Xena, il “cucciolo guerriero” che ha cambiato la vita ad un bambino autistico (video)

Si chiama Xena il cucciolo protagonista della storia e del video di oggi ed è un cane che è davvero l’angelo custode del suo proprietario.

Chiunque tra voi abbia un amico a quattro zampe a scodinzolare nella propria cosa, non ha bisogno di sentir parlare di altri motivi per cui un cane può cambiarci la vita.

Lo sappiamo che ne siete tutti ben consci, eppure non fa mai male continuare a ripeterlo e soprattutto dimostrarlo. Perché non dimentichiamoci che anche se tutti noi siamo amanti dei nostri amici a quattro zampe, al mondo esistono anche persone che non meritano il loro amore e la loro lealtà.

Eppure, come la storia di Xena dimostra, i cani sono davvero esseri straordinari. Animali capaci di regalarci un amore e un affetto unici e, in moltissimi casi, capaci anche di salvarci la vita.

First homeschool ‘Teleschool’ nap of the day …right on schedule 😊#autism

Posted by Xena the Warrior Puppy on Monday, March 16, 2020

Inutile infatti parlare dei cani da salvataggio che dedicano la loro vita a delle missioni speciali.

Ma molto spesso sono anche i cani “normali” e domestici che indossano il mantello da eroe per la loro famiglia.

E noi infatti vi abbiamo raccontato spesso le loro storie. Qualche esempio? C’è la storia di Charley, il cucciolo di Pitbull che ha salvato la vita al suo proprietario. O ancora la storia di Starla, il cane che ha salvato una bambina da due ladri (video).

E anche la storia di Xena è la storia di un cagnolino che ha una missione davvero speciale. Tra l’altro, un storia con un passato difficile.

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! To all the kids that don't feel like they 'fit in' .., well duh…That's because you were born to 🙌STAND OUT!🙌Click on the pic to see the shoes ❤️#autismAdopt don’t shop

Posted by Xena the Warrior Puppy on Monday, March 2, 2020

Questo bellissimo incrocio tra un Pitbull e uno Staffordshire Terrier ha infatti iniziato la sua vita nel peggiore dei modi.

Fu trovati a pochi mesi di vita dai volontari di un’associazione per animali abbandonati. Le sue condizioni erano a dir poco disperate e le speranze circa la sua sopravvivenza erano pochissime.

Eppure Xena non si arrese e si aggrappò con i denti a quella vita che non voleva lasciare. Ed è stato proprio il suo coraggio a renderla famosa sul web.

La storia di “Xena il cucciolo guerriero” ha fatto in pochissimo tempo il giro del web. Tanto che la sua pagina Facebook oggi conta più di 149 mila like.

I’m pretty sure it’s been raining for 2 months 🌧#autismAdopt don’t shop

Posted by Xena the Warrior Puppy on Thursday, February 20, 2020

E tutta questa notorietà le ha fatto anche trovare una casa. Xena è entrata a far parte della famiglia di Jonny Hickey, un bambino affetto da autismo.

E da quel giorno la vita del bambino è cambiata radicalmente. Grazie alla sua nuova amica a quattro zampe, il bambino ha iniziato a stare meglio e ad essere più felici.

I suoi miglioramenti sono stati moltissimi e oggi Jonny è sicuramente molto più felice di prima. Tutto grazie a Xena, il cucciolo guerriero che potete vedere nel video a seguire insieme al suo migliore amico.

Hoping this year is the year! Because she soooo deserves this and was overlooked last year… Paraprofessionals are so often overlooked, especially Special Education Paraprofessionals, but not again this year and certainly not today! This is my submission to the school and Jonny made the video below 😊Dear Jonny's School,I know the chances of Ms. Daugherty winning this award are slim. The fact is that Special Needs Teachers and especially Special Needs Paraprofessionals are at a huge disadvantage because the faculty and staff and students, who vote for the nominees, just don't know them well, or at all. I will continue to nominate and scream from my rooftop as to how amazing this woman is because she deserves it.I am proud to nominate Ms. Daugherty as Professional of the Year.My son, Jonny, has Autism and Ms. Daugherty's official title is Jonny's Categorical or better known as his Paraprofessional. What does that mean? Well, for a typical paraprofessional it would mean that she guides him throughout his day so he is able to go to school and learn, but Ms.Daugherty is far from a typical paraprofessional. Jonny is multifaceted with deficiencies academically, socially, and behaviorally. You can read about him on paper from sunup to sundown, but not until you know him…really know him, can you understand him, and even then he is difficult for most. It takes an exceptional human being to dedicate their days to assist Jonny. At times, it requires so much more than communication to understand Jonny. Because Jonny's communication skills are not that of a typical 14 year old and because he cannot express how he is feeling, Ms. Daugherty is able to read him through unspoken signals…a true gift that not many possess.The progress that Jonny has made with Ms. Daugherty is astonishing. She is his teacher, guiding him through instruction in every class…from chorus to PE, science to speech and even the lunchroom, and then implements all of this throughout his school days. She stands beside him physically and emotionally, making him feel safe in a world that he is not wired for. She is his eyes and his ears, always scanning environments and predicting all scenarios in order for Jonny to be successful. She is his tutor when he doesn't grasp a concept and his cheerleader when he does. She is his parent when he needs one, and his friend because he doesn't have one. She pushes him out of his comfort zone just enough allowing him to grow, but not too far where it creates anxiety…a very fine line that only a 'Jonny expert' would know. She is positive and compassionate with a heart of gold, and her ability to understand Jonny is truly a gift that we have prayed for. She is Jonny's angel here on earth. In addition to all the academics, she teaches him life every single day because unfortunately the natural progression of learning life does not come easily to Jonny. Over the last 1.5 years, Jonny's confidence and self-esteem has blossomed and it is due to this kind, compassionate woman. Building his confidence and self-esteem opens doors to learning which is exactly what he is doing. Finally enormous growth because this amazing woman walks beside him, encouraging and motivating him with enthusiasm, love and respect. He enjoys school! He doesn't just go to class, but he is a part of all his classes, not hiding behind barricades and cubicles. He participates, he allows familiar faces and strangers in his classrooms, he reads, he writes, raises his hand wanting to answer questions, he participates in PE, goes to lunch in the lunchroom, and walks the halls in the same school that was terrifying to him in 6th grade. He no longer uses a sensory room because Ms. Daugherty has been able to manage his sensory needs by using strategies within the classroom. She has the exceptional ability to build a trust that Jonny needs to flourish. Ms. Daughety also attends every chorus performance, even traveling to other venues after school hours to stand beside Jonny on stage so he can participate just like all the typical kids. And if all of this is not enough to convince you that she deserves Professional of the year, Ms. Daugherty will be traveling to Orlando, Florida with Jonny and the choral, band and orchestra kids so he has the opportunity to experience an extended class trip to Universal Studios; a class trip he would never be able to attend if it weren’t for Ms. Daugherty. The ultimate testament of all Ms. Daugherty's dedication and hard work was when Jonny received the 2019 ‘Yes I Can’ Award! This is a National Award that is presented to only one exceptional student within each school, and Jonny was the very proud recipient of 'Yes I Can' for Autrey Mill Middle School! Ms. Daugherty's plans were to move back to her family, out of state, after being with Jonny for one school year, but this remarkable woman chose to stay with Jonny for another year because she felt he needed her…Who changes their life plans because of one student? Clearly only a 'Professional of the Year' would make this selfless decision.As you can see, Ms Daugherty is so much more than a typical paraprofessional….she is parent of the year, therapist of the year, life coach of the year, cheerleader of the year, tutor of the year, and friend of the year. She is our village all wrapped up in one amazing human being, and there is no question that Ms. Daugherty deserves to be recognized as Professional of the Year. So if you see her walking the halls and her halo is a bit crooked, just go ahead and fix it for her….she's way too busy shaping and inspiring a 14 year old boy with Autism into the best human being he can be. From the most grateful and thankful mom,Linda Hickey#SpreadTheKindnessFulton County Schools Ellen DeGeneres City of Johns Creek, Georgia – Government Mike Bodker Liz Hausmann Fulton County Commissioner – District 1 Karyn Greer CBS46 Jon Shirek 11Alive Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive Cheryl Preheim Jeff Hullinger 11Alive NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt Jill Rappaport Dr. Temple Grandin

Posted by Xena the Warrior Puppy on Friday, January 10, 2020

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